Parent-Child Problems


Parent Child Problems

Correcting parent-child problems is an important part of couples counseling because of the stressful effects these problems have on the family. These problems burden the relationship between the parent and child while putting more stress on the relationship between the parents/partners. The observable symptoms of severe parent-child conflict manifest when the oppositional and defiant child:

  • Loses temper
  • Argues with adults
  • Actively defies and refuses to comply with adult rules and requests
  • Deliberately annoys others
  • Blames others for his/her mistakes or misbehaviors
  • Is angry and resentful at home and at school
  • Is failing at school
  • Is depressed and using alcohol and drugs
  • Is spiteful and vindictive toward others

Make an appointment for family counseling in my San Antonio, Texas office now, or contact me for a private video session if you live elsewhere. My initial assessment appointment is always free, as I want to take the time and care to deliver the finest child counseling, whether in San Antonio or globally.


Parent/Child Problems

Parent-Child Problem Counseling

As a child therapist in San Antonio, Texas since 1985, I have seen families turn their problem children around in record time by focusing their attention carefully on what they learn in counseling. Family therapy is a powerful way for parents to take a look at their relationship and parenting styles and patterns. If you live in San Antonio, Texas and want family therapy, or if you are seeking help from the comfort of your own home anywhere else, I am happy to invite you and your child for a free initial assessment. In counseling, couples learn:

  • That child-parent conflicts are sometimes a reflection of parental and marital conflict
  • That the child’s manipulation comes from having no sense of personal power to fulfill “wants and needs”
  • That empowering the child reduces manipulation and improves behavior and school performance
  • That parents can empower themselves by responding to manipulation in more skillful and thoughtful ways
  • That communicating clearly, setting age-appropriate boundaries and consistently imposing fair and reasonable consequences leads to positive results in child behavior and academic performance
  • That the child responds more positively and appropriately at school and at home when parents have established a unified, fair and consistent set of boundaries where expectations are clearly communicated and tied to predictable, consistent and appropriate consequences

Expected Results


Parents will learn new ideas and develop social, psychological and developmental insights that underlie the behaviors, motivations and internal mood states of their child


Parents will develop new and more effective skills and behaviors to shape the desired behaviors that they want to see in their children


Parents will see that as they acquire more skill in their parenting methods, their child’s behavior and academic performance at school will vastly improve

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