Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Alcohol and drug addiction is a chronic disease that worsens over time and causes physical health to degenerate.

The effects range from chronic physical diseases that degrade internal organ functioning to losses in mental, cognitive and emotional health, that impair judgment and affect a person’s capacity to function in family, social, work and recreational activities.

The losses that result are considerable and include loss of income and productivity, legal difficulties, and worse yet, the senseless and premature loss of life from alcohol and drug-related accidents, violent crimes, suicide and accidental overdose.

In 2004, medical researchers at the University of Illinois confirmed the presence of an “alcoholic gene,” validating earlier beliefs that alcoholism runs in families. Studies show that excessive and regular patterns of alcohol consumption are directly linked to depression and anxiety and consuming alcohol has become a way to medicate those states. Individuals who regularly and excessively consume alcohol often fall into one of the following categories:

The Problem Drinker

May not be completely dependent on alcohol, but drinks excessively at times, causing repeated problems at work. There may have been a DWI and leading to legal expenses and problems with law enforcement authorities. The Problem Drinker’s consumption of alcohol is very likely to be causing problems and concerns in family relationships.

The Binge Drinker

Shows a regular pattern of heavy and excessive consumption within a short period of time where he or she drinks 4 or more drinks in a row. The Binge Drinker is often a teenager or a young adult and drinks frequently and excessively in social situations. He or she may have developed similar or more serious problems as a Problem Drinker. Binge Drinkers are at greater risk of developing social and medical problems associated with chronic alcoholism.

The Alcoholic

Is dependent on alcohol and drinks excessively on a daily or regular basis. Likely to have a history of past failed attempts to control or stop drinking. May have had unsuccessful attempts to stop drinking by attending rehab and/or Alcoholics Anonymous. May not be able to cut back or quit without professional help and will typically deny that he or she has a problem with alcohol. The Alcoholic will have the same or similar problems as the Problem Drinker and the Binge Drinker; however, those problems may be more medically severe, depending on age.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol and Drug Dependency

  • You often feel a strong need or compulsion to drink or take drugs
  • You are having problems with your partner/spouse and in other relationships
  • You are having problems with money and finances
  • You are having problems with concentration at work
  • You drink alone and hide your drinking
  • You are drinking regularly and excessively and are unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink
  • You have high tolerance for alcohol, and/or drugs and consequently you have to drink or use more to feel the intended effects
  • You have lost interest in hobbies and pastimes that no longer give you pleasure



  • You can’t remember commitments, obligations or conversations as a result of your drinking or drug use
  • You drink or use drugs to “feel good” or to “feel normal”
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink or use drugs
  • You have a ritual of drinking or using drugs at certain times and become annoyed when your ritual is interrupted
  • You have a reduced appetite and eat poorly and irregularly
  • You have problems sleeping

The Journey Back from Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Rehab


If you or your spouse are facing these issues, you should realize that that alcohol and drug addiction is a condition that threatens the commitment of your marriage and your relationship. In addition, it also threatens the emotional safety and psychological well-being of your children. Before the issues and concerns of your relationship can be addressed, it will be necessary for you and/or your partner:


  • To acknowledge the destructive impact that alcohol and/or drugs is having on your relationship and on your family
  • To decide to stop using alcohol and drugs; and
  • To seek professional treatment to end the dependencies of alcohol and drug addiction


122422293Professional treatment begins when a person addicted to alcohol and/or drugs commits to getting help and enters a structured program with skilled, competent and licensed professionals who guide the client through the treatment process. The process itself is a structure that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Medical consultation to assess the in-patient’s needs
  • Attending a licensed residential “rehab” program. These are comprehensive, medically-supervised and behaviorally-based programs that offer group and individual therapy. In this program the patient’s depression, anxiety and unresolved childhood, family and major loss issues causing the patient to use substances to numb him or herself are addressed. The goal is help the patient to better function and cope with the stressors and demands of day-to-day living


The Journey Back from Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Maintenance

The completion of ‘Rehab’ creates an important foundation; it is a stepping-stone for maintaining sobriety and for building new social, behavioral and relational skills. Next, a Maintenance Program can begin that may have most – if not all of the following components – subject to the recommendations of your therapist and counselor.

Individual Therapy

… to address the biological and life issues that contributes to depression, anxiety, anger, and grief. The therapist helps the individual to process and heal from the losses of the past; to gather and consolidate the strengths and resources they have now and to prepare and plan for the needs and uncertainties of the future.

Family Therapy

… to focus on the needs of dependent and minor children who may have learned self-defeating behaviors to cope with one or two parents who have been addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.

Couples Counseling

… to teach effective communication skills and to address and resolve the issues, needs and concerns of both parties in the marital relationship.

Medical and Psychiatric Follow-up

… to monitor medical conditions resulting from past alcohol and drug usage and manage the effectiveness of psychotropic medications to stabilize depression, anxiety, concentration and sleep.

Alcoholics Anonymous

… or Narcotics Anonymous to attend 90 meetings in 90 days and to reaffirm the value and the wisdom contained in the 12 Step Program.


… to empower the non-addicted spouse and to help him or her heal from past losses and to help reaffirm commitment to the relationship based on the continued sobriety of the addicted partner.

Educational and Career Counseling

… to prepare for and achieve educational goals leading to professional opportunities consistent with the client’s talents, abilities, and career preferences and objectives.

Can I Do This? Expected Results492265591


Since 1985 I have worked with individuals and families struggling with the negative and life-destroying consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction. I have structured countless individualized treatment programs that include the components described above. With dedication, persistence and hard work, you will:


  • Develop a greater sense of your identity (knowing who you really are)
  • Discover and know more clearly the talents and abilities that you have to offer life and those you care about
  • Develop effective ways for coping with stress
  • Become more aware of your needs, your partner’s needs and your children’s needs
  • Increase your skill in communicating your thoughts, feelings, wants and needs
  • Learn how to ask for what you want and need from others without apologizing
  • Become more confident
  • Become a better parent and earn the admiration and respect of your family
  • Become more effective in education, work and career
  • Improve your marriage and your relationship
  • Learn to live free of alcohol and drugs and live a longer, happier and more satisfying life

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