
Most of us experience some form of anxiety in the course of day-to-day living. The cause of anxiety is not fully understood; however, traumatic life events appear to trigger anxiety disorders in people who are already prone to anxiety. Genetic traits may also play a role in how we interpret life events and how we react to everyday stressors. If you are under too much stress, you may experience these common symptoms of anxiety:

distractibility, poor concentration and excessive worry over things you can’t control

mood swings, depressed feelings and a loss of personal confidence

panic attacks, hyperventilation, dizziness, racing heart, headaches and stomach problems

These symptoms can disrupt and endanger your relationships and over time, can lead to major psychological and medical problems. If you think anxiety is taking over your life and is robbing you and your partner of the enjoyment and confidence that you deserve (CLICK HERE) for a preliminary consultation and assessment.

The consultation and assessment process involves a 20-minute interview and the completion of the Sherwood Anxiety Scale, which will help us clearly understand the presence and the severity of your anxiety as Generalized Anxiety, (persistent worry over major and minor concerns) or a Specific Anxiety that has specific triggers and symptom:, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In close consultation with you, I will:


Identify your specific anxieties


… and the symptoms you experience, and list the social, emotional and environmental triggers that cause you to be anxious


Develop a detailed family history


… with trait and behavioral descriptions of you, your partner, and all significant individuals who influenced your psychological growth and development


Develop a cognitive behavioral plan to:


…distinguish feelings from events, interpret events based on reality (not on feelings), and reduce avoidance by building effective coping skills to face current realities




… the combined benefits of anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications

Don’t avoid your anxiety! Get the help you need.

CLICK HERE to make an appointment.
Don’t Avoid Your Anxiety! Get the help you need!